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Survival Korean for ESL Teachers

来源: tang_mac | 更新日期:2014-01-15 19:57:56 | 浏览(28)人次

Students are motivated by fun and it is the most important ingredient in a successful class. These expressions will help a new teacher a lot with classcontrol and basic communications. It alsoshows students that the teacher is trying to learn their language, give and take, mutual respect.

1. An-ju-sayo - Sit down

2. E-d-o-sayo - Come here

3. Ha-jee-ma - Don't do that

4. Chun-chun-ee - Slowly

5. Bally(bally) - Hurry. Faster. Quicker

6. Joe-young-hee - Be quiet.You can also say shushh with finger against the lips or put your fingers in your ears to expressNoisy!

7. Joe-shim-hae- Be carefulCan be a caution of danger or a warning to behave.

8. Sa-rang-ae- I love you.Little children love to hear this when you say goodbyeand give them a pat on the back or headat the end of class. Koreans are very tactile and like to be patted or hugged. Older girls have been trained to not accept touching from strange males. You have to use your judgment. Head and back pats are generallyfine. Children oftenadore their teachers. Maybe they are getting more attention in school than at home.

9. Bo-bo-ju-sayo- Give me a kiss.I say this to tease (jang-nan)or for humor (pointing to a boy and girl) but never actually kiss them myself. Not necessary, not appropriate. Children read your eyes and voice, as dogs do, and know if you like/love them. Sometimes I blow a kiss and they think that is wild, sort of a lampoon.

10. Da-ra-wa - Dirty.

Gek-u-tan - Clean.Teachers alsohave to teach good manners in class and be the peace-keeper. This is essential as kids can be fairly rude or blunt in class and there can be afair amount of friction between boys and girls. They often will not sit together or hold hands in a game. Work around this. Korean children oftendraw on their desks. It is best to make them clean up. The teacher shouldn't do it. I commonly ask if they washed their hands after going to the toilet. Generally they do not, so you cancheck their hands.

11.Hung-keu-reo-jin- Messy.This expression or the one for dirty tells kids to improve their writing. I make them erase their work and repeat till they meetmy standards.

12. Cheuu-gae- Eraser.When I see messy written work I often just point to it and say the word foreraser. Kids know that have to do it over.

13. Cho-ta, chew-eye-o- Good or nice.Used to praise good work.

14. Gong-son-han- Polite.Also be used to praise.

Mu-ra-han -Rude

15.Yo-gi - Here.

Yo-gi-ta - Right here.

16. Cho-gi - There.

Cho-gi-ta - Right there.

17. Chi-gum - Now!

18.Da-ra-ha-sa-yo - Repeat after me.

19. Da-shi - Again.

20.Kam-sa ham-ni-da - Thank you.

21. Dong-gu-ra-mee- [Make a] circle.Use with body language.

22. Juul - [Make a] line. Use with body language.Use with body language.

23.Ani, anyoorandayo - No

24.YeaandNay-Yes. Nay means yes in Korea, strange but true. Children know OK, so I use that.

25.Kam-sa-ham-nee-da- Thank you(often contracted to kam-sam-ni-da)

26. Annie-yo or Annie-yo-ha-say-yo - Hello

27. Annie-yo-ga-say-yo - Goodbye(when you leave. Ga means go, veryuseful). Hello and goodbye can both be contracted to an-yo.

These fewsimple words or commands make teaching in Koreafar easier. Use them immediately before or after English. The children respond to the Korean and oftenignoreEnglish directions even if they know them. Kids sort of have selective hearing.

If you have a terrible noisy and chaotic class just say....Yah!It gets attention immediately and says you mean business,Hey!

If that doesn't workwith some, then physically make them get up andstand against the wall for a short time. It is harmless and they understand they have misbehaved.

文章标签:Survival Korean for ESL Teachers,实用资料,韩语更多相关文章信息
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