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What is me ?

来源: tang_mac | 更新日期:2014-01-12 18:51:41 | 浏览(25)人次

Maybe influenced by my high school grades .I had to study in FEIYANG COLLEGE .As I grow up .It’s impossible everything depend on your parents. We should have ideas opinions on you.This isme

As a freshman in grade one in FEIYANG I joined the students meeting and also then I had no rights to do sth I wanted in students eeting .Maybe I saw many drames from tvs and sucking up to others ,which I don’t kike it all .This is me

The compus life is beautiful and ful of happiness.angriness.pityand also the happiness.It’s common to see a couple of youngbut in others; impression. There was a man just remains tohave short hair and the face is also a little of black .one hundred and two meters tall and in mature dress and goes in the storm lonely.This is me

It’s a common thing to see many of girls in my class opened their big mouths now and then HIHI HAHA and laugh foolishly and sometimes it seems to be the neuropathy. While the other side appears to be a man of emotion. Rich,but the behaviour is also low-spirited .This is me

As a crowd of students run from the net bar and said whatthey got or that they lost and son on ,which so fabricated.while I was a foolish at games and I also like the fact .This is me

There are six students in my dormitry including me andeveryine has theirown habby and as usual the hobby is differert. So do i. they also eager to have a colourful and rich life. But they can’t and in another side there will be a apponent one against them .This is me

During the college life eighty percent of them are ready to love and It’s said that love in the equals know first go to bed second and cancel them .while one people will be different and didn’t express himself to the love and we can’t undertake and repent with shame before the parents. The people will take his parents’ money and squander money .This is me

It’s rich for the love and dull for study andalso surfing the serious .while in another side and face of fantastic .A man of pure and simple .This is me

During the time of loving it’s easy to weaken men’s dignity and oust of men’s dignity and hounous ,which owes work had during the class and hears the sounds of the students .that’s pleased to do that you liked.This is me

Also,the students like the slugghish . in the twenty first century we all have no much impatience and like the blank-reply.This is me

There appears so much sounds from others’mouth .while one man has little of wordsbut so classical. And also hate the man who always suck up to others .This is me

While others appears to in the compusin the children’s clothing one people dress thith the adults resolutely upright.This is me

Some men sill lost themselves the moment their girls are away from them and do sth foolish and also beg for wretch .fuck!!!what’s that the man hate them very much. This is me Although the age grows as we growthe thought is simple these people also is at a disadvantage in slying and crafty. These are so many. You should be care yourself .This is me

There are so many people that wasting their youths in colleges or universities and also it’s all right to have others hobbies but they should be practical ,this is me

The man should have a sharp eyes as the eagle and catch your own hunt but ant the same time you should know change yourself cleverly.

As we grow up so many thing should be taken into consideration . don’t be concerned whith others .you should care yourself and go outside depend on your friends but more lf all depend on yourself and to explre and sum up . kook up yourself. Make your own life. Colourful and better .but at the same time listen to others and it’s also helpful to your life. Correct your false and perfect and prettify yourself.

Soon we will be graduated from college .live a living life and never leave something regret .This is me

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